Self, awareness and understanding, crying in the cave
Human mind
Neanderthal life, stagnate spiritual evolution
Systems corrupted by a la carte materialism
Condiments without substance, we starve out sense
And accept predicaments, circumstances from ignorance
False piety, materialistic comedy, tragedy in disguise
Poisonous lies, diseased inside, more carrion
Less light, back to black, afraid to leave the cave
We left caves for houses, shelter to protect
We stay in caves for shelter, fear to project
Ignorance inhibits escape, dungeon bars the exit
Thinking protection from those existing in the light
Outside shadow-dance, frightful scene on cave wall
To break from the norm, inside out, entrapped freedom
Run, fast and far, never to look back, avoiding other caves
Once in the light of day
Stay away from the shade
Grasping shadows
Take attention to care
There are cave dwellers out there, everywhere
DBrown Fisher
© Nov 2000